Was Mahabali a King of Kerala? No... Mahabali has nothing to do with Kerala. Bali held his Ashwamedha Yagna on the auspicious grounds of the Bhriguchchchcha, by the banks of the sacred river Narmada. It is said that Bhriguchchcha is in the Rann of Kutch mainly because all the Shubh signs to hold a Yagna is there. Though the rivers there on the surface are salty now... the Indian army found a mighty underground river... the waters which are sweet. The army has since been pumping out litres of water every year for its own use. It could be that the series of seismic reactions that caused the Indus and Harappan civilisations to disappear might have occurred here too... and just as the Saraswathi river went underground.. the river here too might have gone underground or changed its course. Some ppl say the Yagna was held at Baroch which is at the north of the Narmada... either way it was held in what is now known as Gujarat.... and not in Kerala. All our writings of the time relating to Bali or that period state that after the Western ghats there was the ocean ..... there was no land (Kerala) like there is now. Kerala is said to have risen from the ocean when Parashuram the next avatar of Mahavishnu throws an axe into the sea. Perhaps there was a seismic occurrence that caused the land mass of Kerala to rise up from the sea and form a new coast line bordering the Sahyadhari mountains. Even today the soil all over Kerala to Mangaluru when tested shows a huge deposits of calcium carbonate. This is seen in most land masses that have risen from the ocean across the globe. If you know or can understand Malayalam pls listen to Swami Chidhanandapuri of the Adwaita Ashram in Kerala.. Was Mahabali a tribal King or a scheduled caste King? No... We know that Bali was the grandson of Prahalada... and son of Virochana. He belonged to the Bhrigu vamsha. He had descended from Maharshi Kashyapa who was a Brahmana and a highly enlightened soul and Diti, who was daughter of Daksha Prajapathi, a very powerful King. Since they were descended from Dithi... they were also called Daityas. Diti was the sister of Aditi, mother of the Devas. Thus Bali and the Bhrigus were descended from Brahmanas and Kshatriyas. So were the Daityas. They were step brothers with the Devas as their mothers were sisters. Since none of their family belonged to tribal clans or what is now referred to as scheduled castes how can Daityas be lower castes? What this shows is that no matter where u are born ... ur inner desires and thinking shapes u. This is why the Daityas who were arrogant, cruel... materialistic and war mongers were also called Asuras. Sura means noble ... so naturally Asura means ignoble. The Daityas were not an ignorant lot. They were highly educated in the Veda Shastras and were scholarly enough to write treatises on many subjects. However their knowledge was always gained with material benefits in mind. It was never for humanity or mankind. Ofcourse there were exceptions amongst them like Prahalada. Were the Devas jealous of Mahabali? No.. there were a series of wars lasting for many thousands of years between the Devas and the Asuras. The last war between them ended in the Devas being exiled from their lands and were forced to wander incognito around the three worlds without succour. These wars were a tug of power plays between the Devas and the Asuras... who were step brothers. Did Maha Vishnu as Vamana send Mahabali to Patala? No... What would be the point? Mahabali was already Chakravarthy of the three worlds including Patala. Was Maha Vishnu jealous of the fame of Mahabali? No... Bhagawan is never jealous... of his Shikhya. So why is Onam celebrated in Kerala and who is worshipped if not Mahabali? In Kerala, we place a wooden or clay idol that represents Trikkarappan.... in the middle or towards the head of the pookalam....flower rangoli Who is Trikkakarappan? He is Maha Vishnu in Vamana Avatar. So Onam is the celebration of Bhagawan Vishnu. We celebrate and worship Maha Vishnu for 10 days , clean our houses and decorate our front yards with flowers to welcome Bhagawan Vishnu. Mainly because it was around this time that Vamana appeared at the Yagna Shala of Bali. This year Vamana Jayanthi took place on the 29th and Thiruonam on the 31st of August. Why did Vamana punish Mahabali if he was a just and kind King? Vamana did not punish Mahabali the King at all... he came to his devotee Bali to bring him back on his path of self realisation... he then rewarded the person Bali for his devotion. Prahalada, Bali’s grandfather was one of the greatest Bhakthas of Maha Vishnu. As we know Prahalada attained moksha. Prahalada had taught his son Virochana the Veda-Shastras and most importantly the Brahma Sutra. Virochana in turn taught his son Bali the Brahma Sutra.. When Bali was crowned as King, Sukracharya, Guru of the Asuras once again goes through the Brahma Sutra with Bali. What is the Brahma Sutra? Bodha or Bodham is Brahama. Bodha means consciousness. Aham Brahmasmi... Everything that u see and experience in this world is Vishnu Maya. To understand that this is maya and u are here at this particular time, in this particular birth playing a particular role...without getting emotionally attached to anything happening around you but still actively participating and playing ur role gloriously is bodham. So Bali is bodham... Sukracharya is bodham. Bali understood that he is placed here as the King of the Asuras to play a certain role... so he goes to war with the Devas and does all that is expected of an Asura King. However this does not touch him personally because he is conscious that all that he sees is just Vishnu Maya. Thus Bali is bodham.... which is why all the victories or the defeats that he had against the Devas previously did not affect him. However, as thousands of years went by Bali began loosing his bodham slowly. He began to think of himself as the greatest and most generous person ever. Which meant his bodham began to slip. This is when Bhagawan Vishnu appeared as Vamana.... to bring his most loved devotee back on track. If u remember though he had given Aditi a boon that he would give the Devas Amravathi back.. he asks her to wait until the right time. He knew, that eventually everyone .. even the most self realised person will slip.... and that is when Bhagawan very lovingly comes to them. By now Bali has done more than a hundred Ashwamedha Yagnas as advised by his kula Guru Sukracharya. His power and fame has increased many manifold. So on the banks of the Narmada ... in the presence of Sukracharya and his entire Kula... the Bhrigus... Bali holds a massive Yagna. By now he has become arrogant ... he thinks that it is he who is conducting this Yagna and it is he who is giving out alms. So he declares that he will give anything that anyone asks charity during the Yagna. It is when he makes such a declaration that Bhagawan Vishnu appears as Vamana ... To purify Bali, and to bring him back to his senses, Vamana asks for 3 feet of land as alms. Though Sukracharya advises Bali not to give in becos this is Maha Vishnu in disguise.. Bali does not heed him. In fact he is deliriously overjoyed at the very fact that Bhagawan has come to his Yagna in person. Angry Sukracharya cursed Bali that he would loose all his wealth and power. Regardless Bali seats Vamana on his throne, washes his feet with scented water and then sprinkles that water over his head.... and agrees to give Vamana the 3 feet of land he has asked for. Vamana then grows into titanic proportions and covers the earth and the other worlds with 2 steps. He then asks where he is to place the third step. Bali who by now recognised Maha Vishnu realises why Bhagawan has come to him personally... his arrogance disappears and he becomes conscious of who he really is. That is his bodham returns. What happens next? Vamana pretends to be very angry and calls Garuda. Who ties up Bali with his Garuda Pasha(Nagas). Seeing this the Bhrigu clan and the Asuras pick up their weapons to attack Vamana. But Bali still smiling.. his gaze fixed on Vamana restricts them. By this time all the Devas and Brahma himself had come to the Yagna. Where is my third feet thunders Vamana.. Bali kneels before Vamana humbly asks Maha Vishnu to place his feet on his head. Now what does this signify? This is a highly esteemed deeksha called the Tiruadi Deeksha, where the Guru places his feet on the head of the Shikha. This is given only by an extremely illustrious Guru to his Shikha... so here Maha Vishnu is giving his most beloved Shikha, Bali one of the most desired of deekshas. This means that Bali is shorn of all materialism and ego and has taken deeksha from the ultimate of all Gurus, Maha Vishnu himself. Vishnu Bhagawan then turns to Brahma and says see ... “ “He still smiles ..... I have taken everything from him and have humiliated him by tying him up before his own ppl and still he smiles and does not care about his loss. “ When Vamana places his feet on Bali.. he blesses him and says ... “I take everything away from my most devoted bhaktha so that I may give him everything.You have always yearned to be Indra... so in the next manavantra, when the term of this Indra is over .. you will be Indra. Until then kindly live in Sutala. There I grant u the vision to see me at all times. I will also be there serving you and guarding you. “ By then Prahalada also arrives... Maha Vishnu asks him to accompany Bali to Sutala. Sutala is a higher universe than ours. Even the Devas cannot reach there. Thus Maha Vishnu gives Bali not only what his inner mind yearned for that is the title of Indra but much more than he ever wished for. But didn’t Maha Vishnu push Mahabali under the earth with his feet into Patala? The itihasa of Vamana and Mahabali is seen in the Bhagavatham and nowhere in the Bhagavatham or in any other of our Puranas or writings is it seen that Bali was pushed into Patala by Maha Vishnu. So where did these lies come from? How is it that Mahabali descendant of a Brahmana and a Kshatriya, step brother to the Devas becomes a Schedule caste or tribal king of Kerala oppressed by Brahmanas? Personally I feel this is another missionary story created by the Abrahamics in connivance with the British. I don’t think this narrative is very old, perhaps a hundred to two hundred years old at the most. This narrative has been deliberately created and fed to the illiterate populace when our Gurukulas were shut down by the British to break the worship of Vishnu during this time. Then like the fraudulent theory of Aryan invasion and a seperate ppl called the Dravidians was created here. Just as the so called Aryans were shown as a superior race who deprived the so called Dravidians of their land and driven south Tamil Nadu. The church here in Kerala too has been surreptitiously creating fraudulent stories that the Brahmins snatched land form the commoners and enslaved them. So who is there then to rescue the poor commoners? The xtian churches ofcourse. This has since been hijacked by the left parties of Kerala and used effectively to promulgate their lies that Hinduism is equal to patriarchy and a feudal system. When many of our Swamies and political leaders of the BJP including Amit Shah began to question their fake narrative and several SM warriors began to write about this ... especially this year. This immediately activated the Abrahamic sleeper cells and xtians cutting across party lines began to openly berate Maha Vishnu and Hinduism. So we have Issac Thomas of the CPM and Finance minister of Kerala, Hebi Eden, MP of the Congress and a nun who is the Headmistress if St Treasa’s in Nedumkunnam. all speak in a derogatory manner on You Tube during Onam festivities on ... Twitter and FB. I have posted pics of twitter feeds by these ppl. Below see a link of the Nun, headmistress of a school insulting Hindus and Hindu beliefs openly. Can u imagine the state of the Hindu children in her school? This nun was open in her fanatism and hatred towards all Hindus but what about the rest who hide their despicable agenda and subvert our way of life using our children in their schools? The Left and the Abrahamics fears that once Hindus realise that Onam is not a harvest festival but a religious festival celebrating and worshipping Maha Vishnu ... a true revival of Hinduism will happen with the now highly educated Hindu populace going back and reading their religious texts and realising the lies fed to them for generations via their Semitic schools and other educational organisations. This means a loss for them on several fronts... religious, business, political, cultural and social. So we must naturally expect them to attack us and our way of life just as Hiranyakashyapu and Ravana attacked Maha Vishnu..


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